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Ask Jade is our weekly advice column for candle lovers, bath bomb fanatics, and jewelry gurus (and everyone else too!) who might have questions and advice about Jackpot Candles, lifestyle stuff, or whatever, Jade's got you covered :).
Do you have a question for Jade? Catch our Q&A's on instagram stories @JackpotCandles or email her at for your chance to get featured!
Disclaimer: Jackpot Candles is only here to give you fun and helpful advice and information when it comes to anything candles, bath bombs and lifestyle.
Hey Jade,
I know you guys use natural ingredients. Do your bath bombs have an expiration date?
Jade: Hi Billie!
This is a great question. I love to buy bath bombs so that I can use one whenever I want to take a relaxing bath, and I love to have tons of them around so I can pick the perfect bath bomb to fit my mood! I’m sure you do too.
Here’s some good news: our bath bombs don’t have an exact expiration date. You will always be able to use your bath bomb, but we recommend that you use it within 6 months of purchase.
Here’s why – because we use all natural ingredients that are safe and more eco-friendly than alternative ingredients, your bath bomb can lose its potency over time. Things like the scent, the color, or the fizziness of the product could fade if it’s not used within that six months. That’s no fun!
The best thing you can do to make sure your product is perfectly potent when you use it is to store your extra bath bombs properly to help ensure their freshness. Listed below are some storage tips:
When stored properly and used within the recommended six months from purchase, your product will still have just as much fizz, color, and scent as it did when we made it and you’ll have the best bath ever!
Thank you, Billie!
Hey Jade,
Are you going to be releasing all of the zodiac signs as candles?
- Kendra
Jade: Hi Kendra,
You bet we’re going to release a candle for each sign of the zodiac. We don’t want to leave anyone out!
You may have wondered because they are not all available at once. We currently release each candle as the zodiac phase draws closer, which means that usually only one or two are available at once and they are only available for a limited time. So far, we’ve released Aquarius and Pisces, wish Aries coming up next so keep an eye out!
Here’s how our zodiac candles work. Each double cotton wick zodiac candle is released around its own phase, and contains:
The crystal zodiac pendant is engraved with your zodiac sign and the prediction is written just for your zodiac sign too! Not only that, but each zodiac candle’s scent is different so that you know we carefully selected it just for your sign. For Aquarius, the scent is lovely lilac and for Pisces the scent is citrus and white tea and for Aries a warm honey fragrance. Are you curious what your zodiac candle will smell like? I know I am!
These are limited edition candles so if you want one don’t wait! Buy one before they’re gone for yourself or a loved one. Zodiac candles make a great, personal birthday gift for someone you love, or a great gift from you to you, too!
Thanks for your question, Kendra!
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