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Ask Jade is our weekly advice column for candle lovers, bath bomb fanatics, and jewelry gurus (and everyone else too!) who might have questions and advice about Jackpot Candles, lifestyle stuff, or whatever, Jade's got you covered :).
Do you have a question for Jade? Catch our Q&A's on instagram stories @JackpotCandles or email her at for your chance to get featured!
Disclaimer: Jackpot Candles is only here to give you fun and helpful advice and information when it comes to anything candles, bath bombs and lifestyle.
Hey Jade,
I have a stupid question do we trim the wood wick candles? I know we trim the wick on other candles this is just my very first wood wick candle.
Jade: Hi Michelle!
Any question a good question and I love helping y'all out so here we go!
Yes! I highly recommend trimming your wood wick candles and your cotton wick candles, alike. For the wood wick candles this is a great idea particularly on your first burn. It really gives the flame more of a raw edge to sort of grip onto.
Pro Tip: I find using a nail clipper works best when it comes to the wooden wicks!
- Jade
Hey Jade,
What's your favorite candle?
Jade: Hi @_erika_w_,
Oh my goodness this question is so hard! How do you choose your favorite child?!?
My newest fave is also our newest product! Have you seen our Scandalous Candles yet!? They're SO funny with a sassy little label decorating the front of each candle jar. I think these are going to make the perfect gift for those hard to shop for friends and family!
As far as classic go, I'm always in love with eucalyptus, lilac, salted carameland warm apple pie! The wonderful thing about jackpot candles is that we are always coming up with new, unique scents and new products for everyone to try so who knows what my next favorite will be!
I'll keep you updated because I'm always changing my mind on these gorgeous fragrances. I can't pick just one!
- Jade
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