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Ask Jade is our weekly advice column for candle lovers, bath bomb fanatics, and jewelry gurus (and everyone else too!) who might have questions and advice about Jackpot Candles, lifestyle stuff, or whatever, Jade's got you covered :).
Do you have a question for Jade? Catch our Q&A's on instagram stories @JackpotCandles or email her at for your chance to get featured!
Disclaimer: Jackpot Candles is only here to give you fun and helpful advice and information when it comes to anything candles, bath bombs and lifestyle.
Hey Jade,
I have a candle scent suggestion! Do you actually listen?
Jade: Hey Bailey!
YES! We love when our loyal customers have suggestions for new candles or anything else we make! We're making these products just FOR YOU! It's so awesome when we can make candles that our customers will love & that are inspired by our customers!! Even if you have a cool name or a fun concept for a candle, we'll hear you out on those too.
Do you love the smell of a certain cereal? Or maybe a perfume? A favorite flower? Let us know and we'll put your suggestion to the test. First, we'll run the idea by the people at our fragrance house, then I'll personally test it to see if it still smells great as a candle, we'll have some other seasoned noses sniff it and if it makes it past all that we'll pop it up on our site.
Have an idea you'd like to share with us? You can email me at I'd love to hear from you!
- Jade
Hey Jade,
How do I subtly hint to my bf that I want a candle? Don't want to seem too obvious.
Jade: Hey Katelyn,
Step 1 - Leave your laptop open with our website on it or open to the candle that you've had your eye on!
Step 2 - Maybe, mention how candles are so underrated, how cool would it be if there was something inside a candle... like... oh I don't know... a ring or something?? Haha!
Step 3 - Play one of our youtube videos on blast so he HAS to ask about it, lol!
Step 4 - Last, send the link to him and then say, "Oops! That was meant for [insert friend here.] We were talking about how awesome these are!"
It's ok to be silly or maybe even a little obvious about it. Anything to let him think he came up with the world's greatest gift idea on his own ;) Hope these help!!
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TikTok: @jackpotcandles
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