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Ask Jade is our weekly advice column for candle lovers, bath bomb fanatics, and jewelry gurus (and everyone else too!) who might have questions and advice about Jackpot Candles, lifestyle stuff, or whatever, Jade's got you covered :).
Do you have a question for Jade? Catch our Q&A's on instagram stories @JackpotCandles or email her at for your chance to get featured!
Disclaimer: Jackpot Candles is only here to give you fun and helpful advice and information when it comes to anything candles, bath bombs and lifestyle.
Hey Jade,
I can see my ring I think!! It just occurred to me… what’s the best way to get my jewelry out of the wax?
Jade: Hi Claire!
If you think you can see the jewelry in your Jackpot candle then you’re almost ready to take it out of the jar, but not quite! We know it’s exciting but be sure to let your candle melt low enough.
If you dig the jewelry out too early you could damage the candle and the jewelry too. When the jewelry bundle is completely out of the wax then it’s time to see what your surprise is!
Listed below are the main steps to removing your jewelry from the jar.
If you wait patiently until the candle wax melts down below your jewelry, you’re less likely to get wax on your hands or on the jewelry wrapper when you open it. You are also less likely to damage the candle by causing tunneling or an uneven burn the next time you light it.
So, make sure to be patient and follow these simple steps to remove the jewelry from your candle!
Hey Jade,
Will I get the ring shown in the picture?
Thank you,
Jade: Hey there Hailey,
I bet you aren’t the only person that wonders about this when they shop Jackpot’s website, so I’m glad you asked.
In most cases you will not get the ring that is pictured on the website next to the candle or bath bomb that you order. Certain holiday items like our Valentine’s Day candles have a specific ring or necklace but most products come with a variety of jewelry styles.
Here’s why – our jewelry placement process works like a lottery. As each candle is made, a piece of jewelry is added at random. We have lots of styles of rings, necklaces, and earrings and they’re all so pretty and stylish!
If you order a candle with a size 7 ring, you’ll get one of the many size 7 ring styles we have in stock when our candles are made. No one knows the value of that jewelry until you remove it from your candle or bath bomb and check the value on the appraisal page of our website.
Jackpot picks this way so that each customer has the chance to get a piece of jewelry worth a dollar amount from $15 – $5,000! While you aren't guaranteed a $5,000 ring, everyone has a chance to win a piece of stunning, high value jewelry. It makes using your candle or bath bomb extra exciting!
Check out our latest big winner. This could be you - click here
Good luck Hailey, and thanks again for your question!
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